Saturday 7 February 2015

Sunday 2 November 2014

Anyone can do this - any age.or fitness level . I have a great local teacher where I live - but having the time is difficult. She is going to show me how to do quicker routines with similar health benefits.
looking forward to it..
Yoga for Flexibility
Yoga poses work by stretching your muscles. They can help you move better and feel less stiff or tired.
At any level of yoga, you'll probably start to notice benefits soon. In one study, people improved their flexibility by up to 35% after only 8 weeks of yoga.
Strike a Pose for Strength
Some styles of yoga, such as ashtanga and power yoga, are very physical. Practicing one of these styles will help you improve muscle tone.
But even less vigorous styles of yoga, such as Iyengar or hatha, can provide strength and endurance benefits.
Many of the poses, such as downward dog, upward dog, and the plank pose, build upper-body strength. The standing poses, especially if you hold them for several long breaths, build strength in your hamstrings, quadriceps, and abs. Poses that strengthen the lower back include upward dog and the chair pose.
When done right, nearly all poses build core strength in the deep abdominal muscles.
Better Posture From Yoga
When you're stronger and more flexible, your posture improves.
Most standing and sitting poses develop core strength, since you need your core muscles to support and maintain each pose.
With a stronger core, you're more likely to sit and stand "tall."
Yoga also helps your body awareness. That helps you notice more quickly if you're slouching or slumping, so you can adjust your posture.
Breathing Benefits
Yoga usually involves paying attention to your breath, which can help you relax. It may also call for specific breathing techniques.
But yoga typically isn't aerobic, like running or cycling, unless it's an intense type of yoga or you're doing it in a heated room.
Less Stress, More Calm
You may feel less stressed and more relaxed after doing some yoga.
Some yoga styles use meditation techniques that help calm the mind. Focusing on your breathing during yoga can do that, too.
Good for Your Heart
Yoga has long been known to lower blood pressure and slow the heart rate. A slower heart rate can benefit people with high blood pressure or heart disease, and people who've had a stroke.
Yoga has also been linked to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and better immune system function.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Halloween Month
Clearly our ancestors where pre occupied about who they were going to marry !!! Still it s fun to try out for you single folks out there.
If no one speaks at the table during dinner on Halloween, spirits will come to the table.
If you are a single woman and you put Rosemary under your pillow on Halloween night, you will dream of your future husband.
If you want to know if you will have a long life, on Halloween night you have to make an unbroken apple peel, which will estimate how long you will live, the longer the peel is, the longer you'll live.
It is thought that the colours, orange and black, became Halloween colours because orange is associated with harvests (Halloween marks the end of harvest) and black is associated with death.
Black cats were originally believed to protect witches’ powers from ‘negative forces’.
Folklore has it that ringing a bell scares away evil spirits.
Legend claims that if you see a spider on this particular night, it could be the spirit of a deceased loved one who is watching over you.
Another folklore tale states that if you care to encounter a witch, put
your clothes on inside out and walk backwards on Halloween night.

A note from a REAL witch on Halloween
A Witch's Thoughts on Halloween
Most people celebrate Halloween as a children's holiday of candy
and costumes. However, I will be celebrating tonight as Samhain
("Sow-wen"), the Celtic New Year, the night for remembering loved ones
past and looking toward the future. For I am a Neo-pagan, a follower of
the Old Religion, a Wiccan. I am a Witch.
There are probably as many definitions of Wicca as there are prac-
titioners of the Craft--one of the joys of this path is that there is no
"one, true way"; intuition is as valuable as teaching. This then is my
personal definition of what Wicca is to me.
First, what Wicca is not is devil-worship. Wiccans don't believe
in an entity of all-evil. (I personally don't believe in evil per se;
all evil is simply a perversion or excess of something that is good when
present in a proper balance.)
Wicca is a religion based on experience of Deity as male and
female. It is pantheistic--seeing all things as part of God/dess, and
seeing the Earth Herself as a living organism of whom we are part. It
is also a religion of immanence--seeing God/dess present in each of us
and in the world around us, not "out there somewhere" but part of daily
Wiccans celebrate eight major holidays, or sabbats--the beginning
and midpoint of each season. We also celebrate the phases of the moon:
some only celebrate the full moon while others celebrate full, waxing,
and new moons. Each of these rituals helps keep us in touch with
Nature. These celebrations are in small groups usually called circles,
covens, or groves and are usually led by a Priestess, and often a
Priest. Some groups share duties and avoid titles.
Wicca is also a "Craft". We practice magic through chants,
visualizations and spells, all to focus our will on something we want to
happen. We believe that everything we do, good or ill, comes back to us
tripled, which is why we don't "hex" or "curse" anyone. We also believe
that many psychic talents are real and simply haven't been studied
enough by science to be catalogued as such.
Wiccans for the most part accept reincarnation, not as dogma to be
believed, but as fact based on personal experience. Many of us remember
past lives. As one who has studied science, I know that every atom of
my body once was part of something else, and I am continually losing
atoms that become part of others. Knowing this, it makes sense that my
soul also is "recycled".
Wicca is a positive philosophy. The only "law" is 'An it harm
none, do as ye will": Enjoy life to its fullest, and remember to help
everyone else enjoy it as well. Wiccans don't preach; Wiccans don't
evangelize. Everyone has to find his/her own path, and we welcome the
diversity this brings.
So tonight, when you dress up as a "wicked witch", know that there
are "good witches" celebrating as well. Know that I and thousands like
me throughout the world are celebrating the cycles of life through the
dance of the Lord and the Lady, trying to make this world we all share
a little brighter through our cauldron fires in the darkness. Know we
are not out to convert you; know we mean you no harm. All we ask for
is understanding, tolerance, and the freedom to practice as we choose.
Blessed Be,
Cecylyna Brightsword
High Priestess, Thalia Clan
P.O. Box 681092 . Indianapolis, IN 46268-1092 . (317) 579-3083
Competition time ******
Here are my attempts over the years at Pumpkin Carving - there are more in albums - Love Halloween 2 days to go!!!
So once again I will be sitting down with the kids and doing our creations on our pumpkins - its a tradition in our house.
So I want you all to post your Pumpkin carvings on here and the best 2 will win a Free Tarot reading from me - to celebrate the turning of the seasons and remembering those who have passed away.
Happy carving everyone!!!!

Sunday 26 October 2014

Competition time ******
Here are my attempts over the years at Pumpkin Carving - there are more in albums - Love Halloween 5 days to go!!!
So once again I will be sitting down with the kids and doing our creations on our pumpkins - its a tradition in our house.
So I want you all to post your Pumpkin carvings on here and the best 2 will win a Free Tarot reading from me - to celebrate the turning of the seasons and remembering those who have passed away.
Happy carving everyone!!!!